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{{ cartItemsCount }} {{ cartItemsCount === 1 ? 'item' : 'items' }}  {{ cartTotals }}

{{ filteredItems.length }} {{ filteredItems.length === 1 ? 'item' : 'items' }} found

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.name, 38 ) : truncateString( product.name, 50 ) }}

Alcohol / 21+
{{ pickUpOnlyText }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) }}

{{ showPrices( product ) }}

{{ category.name }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.name, 38 ) : truncateString( product.name, 50 ) }}

Alcohol / 21+
{{ pickUpOnlyText }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) }}

{{ showPrices( product ) }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.name, 38 ) : truncateString( product.name, 50 ) }}

Alcohol / 21+
{{ pickUpOnlyText }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 100 ) }}

{{ showPrices( product ) }}

Please confirm you are of legal drinking age before proceeding.
Consume responsibly.

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